- Fixed Storage... Now Phone storage like kitkat
- Fixed offline charging
- Fixed VPN
- Updated to android-5.1.1_r24
- Fixed video recording
- Fixed video playback issues
- Fixed RIL crashes
- Fixed wifi tethering
- Fixed bluetooth audio
- Better codec compatiblity
- Fixed Sound Recorder issues
- Implement FMRadio
- Implement SmartCover feature Add
- NFC Support ( For porters wink emoticon Implement Offline charging Implement factory and meta mode
- Fixed serial number
- Added new CyanogenMod performance profiles
- Fixed Haptic feedback
- Now mtp + mass_storage (mass only for external sd)
- Fixed Bad aspect ratio in some videos
- Fixed VoIP Calls Removed Email + Exchange apps
- Disable usb charge only
Bugs I Found
- USSD Work For Some Operators
- Minhazul Islam Limon
- Dark Cyanide Devs
- Me (For Sharing)
- Dark Cyanide Devs
- Me (For Sharing)