
Tuesday, January 5, 2016

BeanStack Rom For Andriod One(Sprout 4~8)

BeanStack Rom For Andriod One(Sprout 4~8) 

CyanogenMod 13 based
Quicker system animations
Trimmed down fat and excess bloat
Option to enable all widgets
Numerous extra lockscreen options
LCD Density
Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
Custom BeanStalk bootanimation by skyliner33v
3-minit battery support
Clock and date options
Contextual Header - Original and Polygraphic
Battery styles - Includes specific colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
Do not disturb option
Show notification count
Recent screen options
Customizable navigation bar
Use Omniswitch as default recents
Built-in screen record
Toast animations
App Circle bar
Gesture Anywhere
Disable FC warnings
Disable Immersive message
Force expanded Notifications
Configure scrolling cache
Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
Less frequent Notification sounds options
CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
Enable/disable wake up on charge option
Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
CM Performance options and features
Hide superuser icon
Developer options and advanced reboot enabled by default
Numerous cherry-picks and improvements throughout the build, baked into the
awesomeness of existing CM layout.
Numerous other options hiding throughout the build. For a full list of changes and features, please
be sure to checkout change log below.


* Download ROM and latest GAPPs.
* Copy ROM and GAPPs from above to internal storage.
* Reboot into recovery
* Full wipe and format is ALWAYS suggested to avoid odd issues.
* Flash ROM and then flash GAPPs.
* Reboot and enjoy the BeanStalk goodness.

BeanStalk source can be found HERE
Skylinerv33 - Graphics and bootanimation - Thanks!
Vaughn N - Endless support and help throughout the years.
Imoseyon, Flar2, Beanstown

Video Coming soon.........

